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Anthony Cola
Born in United States
16 years
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Cindy Boyer Condolence September 4, 2013
Dear John and Gheri,

Hi, My name is Cindy Boyer, and I’m writing because I want to tell you how very sorry I am to read of the tragic loss of your beloved son Anthony, and I want to offer my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Please don’t be offended that I’m writing to you, since I don’t know you; but I’m hoping that you’ll find comfort in these verses.

Acts 24:15 promises, “that there is going to be a resurrection.” Many tragic, unexpected deaths are caused by what the Bible calls, “time and unforeseen occurrence that befall them all.” - Ecclesiastes 9:11b

Our loving God doesn’t cause sad things to happen to our loved ones, as James 1:13 helps us to understand, ‘When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.’ For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone.’”

2 Corinthians 1:3, 4 speaks of God as “the God of all comfort who comforts us in all our tribulation.” 1 Peter 5:7 lets us know that we can “throw all our anxiety upon (God), because he cares.” And Isaiah 65:17b tells us that the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart.” - Thus the heartbreak that we experience now, won’t even be remembered after Jehovah God resurrects our loved ones; thereby undoing the sad effects of death and the pain being separated from them brings.

Revelation 21:4 promises, “And (God) will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” - Just imagine -a world with no tears of sorrow, no pain, and no death! And no sickness of any kind as Isaiah 33:24 promises, “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”

Loved ones will be resurrected, and welcomed back to life by loving family and friends right here on the earth in the midst of peaceful, beautiful, paradise conditions, as Psalms 37:10, 11, 29 tell about, “And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it.” - We can have the opportunity to live together forever in perfect peace, health, and happiness with our loved ones!

Jesus gave us hope of a time when all suffering will end. He taught his followers to pray: “Our Father in the heavens, . . . Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.” - Matthew 6:9, 10 - When God’s Kingdom comes, there will be no more suffering or death on the earth, just as there is no suffering or death in heaven!

I hope that you will find comfort in your memories, perhaps by looking at pictures. And I hope that these and other verses will bring you comfort, peace, and hope.


And will you please look at the web site, as it offers much comfort that is solidly based on God’s Word the Bible, and it shares what has helped others to cope with their grief. If you decide to look at the site, when on the web site, please click on publications at the top of the page, then under magazines on the left click on ‘magazines’ and in Display box to the right where it says ‘latest‘; scroll to 2011 and click on search, and then please ‘scroll down 3 rows‘, and click on the 'PDF' format for "Coping With the Loss of a Loved One" found in the April Awake; and you’ll be able to open this magazine to read the article in its entirety. Three subjects are: "An Almost Unbearable Loss" "Coming to Terms With Death" and "Help for Those Who Grieve" This is one of the most comforting magazines that I've read and I hope you will read this article and find some comfort in what has helped others to cope with their overwhelming losses. Also; Currently the article, "Why is there so much suffering? When will it end?" is on the main page of the web site.



Take care,


                                                                                        Sincerely Yours,

                                                                                        Cindy Boyer







Edwina ~ mum to Troy Mitchell Thinking of you July 24, 2008
My thoughts and prayers are with Anthony and his precious family. He is such a handsome young man with the cheekiest grin I have ever seen, I can imagine he is a real charmer, he caught my heart just by looking at him. I wish that there where something I could say to ease your heartache, Having my own angel son I feel your pain everyday, I only pray that your find some comfort knowing that others care ~ Edwina Mitchell
BEATRICE RIQUELME sorry April 18, 2008

Gerri and John,


I just learned about the loss of your son, I am soo sorry to have heard the news. I remember when you and john would welcome me and claudio to your home for dinner and me and Gheri would have such good talks about life and children, Gheri i always rememebered your kind words, i always thought about how great of a family you guys were. And it hurt so much when Dolores told me yesturday I can't even imagine I have thought of you guys non-stop since yesturday. I dont know what to say but knew i must get in touch with you somehow. I will keep you and your family in prayer..If there is anything i can do for you please do not hestiate to call me or e-mail me

MEENAh. iM SORRy April 7, 2008



Jessica I'm Sorry =[ December 15, 2007

I'm so sorry for the loss of Anthony.

Its got to be so hard to loose a son, because

I know as a friend its really hard. Everytime

I see a picture of him I want to cry but I know

he always had a smile on his face so I know he

wouldnt want that so I put a big smile on for him.

I hope you guys are holding together and keeping

strong because you know thats what he would have



Jessica--Anthony's friend from School

Bob Goss I am sorry November 9, 2007

John & Gheri,


Moe told me about your son's death.  I am deeply saddened and am praying for you and your family.  I have wondered where you were after we lost touch after leaving Guam.  This is not the way I would have liked to have found you.


I cannot imagine what you are going through, so I will not try to say I understand.  That is my worst nightmare, harm to my kids.  My Dad never forgot my sister's death 41 years before his passing.  I like to think she helped him help other kids during his life.


I only pray you are OK, and know God is taking care of your son.  I am very saddened and send my condolenses to you and your family.


V/R, Bob Goss

Moe & Martha Winston So, So Sorry November 6, 2007

John & Gheri,

We are so very sorry for your loss of a son.  There are no words that can express our deep sorrow.  Even though we're thousands of miles apart, it's great that we exchange Christmas cards and see your family together, growing in love.  It seems like yesterday that we were leaving your wedding to find someone had stolen our hub caps.


I look forward to exchanging witty emails, but this one was a shocker.  Our prayers are with you and your family.  May you be strong in this time of sadness and continue with the knowledge that God's plans are perfect plans.  He has a reason for all He does and pray that He will lead you through these tough times and make you and those around you stronger.


May God's blessing be upon you always.


Moe, Martha, Mo-mo & Malk Winston

Iriarte Sorry November 5, 2007

Sorry for not getting to know you as much as I could've...

Sorry for not keeping in touch like I should've...

Sorry for not being there when you needed me the most...

Sorry for not going out of my way, even just to boast(About you My Dear Nephew Anthony Cola)

We love you and miss you w/ all that we have in us and more if you can imagine!

You are a part of 2 Great People whom I adore more than they know

It broke my heart that you had to go

Just doing this brings tears to my eyes and breaks my heart so.

You are in heaven and theres where you'll be

Waiting for Family and hopefully me

I'll be looking to know you more than I did

My heart is content but with the grid

We'll soon meet again and that I look foward to

I love you Anthony, don't ever forget...

Even with life, the tears won't let

You were a Toddler when I first met you

And My Dear Nephew, you up and grew

So with this I'll bid you Ado

Until we meet again...I love you always...


Auntie Judy

Kelly Sorry for your loss November 4, 2007
I am sorry to heara bout your loss I have lost my cousin and I know how you feel it is so hard to loss someone so young in the family my prayers are with your
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